martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013


Salam aleikom to every one salam salam, soooo hi to every one who read me im sorry i didnt post the problem is the enthernet! ok in my house where i live there no enthernet so i use the enthernet from work but they have a problem and they let us without it for 2 WEEKS you know ! it was for me the longest time, so allhamdulillah everything is going how i expected finally the problem of the last name of my daughter is done! she is mechta now ...
Also as the youtube channel the problem that now that i have everything the permition for my husband the program i need the enthernet as i said before there a company that said they will provide us with enthernet but we are still waiting for them...
I have a big new im gonna star a scarve line, yes a scarve line i wanna you keep up with me and see how it will be all the progress! soooo thank you for every one who read... and see you next post

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