Salam aleikom to every one salam salam , how are you!? im jsut fine allhamd just wanna let you know im supper happy coz ramadan insh allah you will have the best ramadan ever insh allah .
also i wanna update you about canada situation well im still waiting for the paper of the school to come from canada , and then i most apply for the visa but i have a problem my husband still dont have the residence of venezuela so now im just trying to fix that insh allah
i have alot of faith that allah swt will decide the best for our family.
and also i wanna share my welcome video for my youtube channel
lunes, 30 de junio de 2014
jueves, 12 de junio de 2014
Just recived an email

i just recived an email basically telling me that once they get the CAQ i need to apply for the canadian visa an as you know my husband still dont have the residence of venezuela there was a mistake and they didnt get the residence to my husband im trying to fix that with the help of allah swt, now i just scare coz the time is here and now i dont have the residence.
miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014
CAQ + Waiting
salam aleikom salam salam
long time i didnt write just wanna let you know that im doing the CAQ , and also that my husband still dont have the residence of venezuela that the suposse to give him this year now we have to appeal that desition , also its we have to reapply for the turist visa of EEUU so its easy for us to travel canada insh allah
its so hard to wait and be patience i dont know what to do
long time i didnt write just wanna let you know that im doing the CAQ , and also that my husband still dont have the residence of venezuela that the suposse to give him this year now we have to appeal that desition , also its we have to reapply for the turist visa of EEUU so its easy for us to travel canada insh allah
its so hard to wait and be patience i dont know what to do
jueves, 24 de abril de 2014
Update + Willpower Project + Youtube Channel
Salam aleikom to every one salam salam
How are you? me allhamd, so i went to the appoiment to the american visa for my husband and daughter and it was denied, yes i didnt expected also because i dont even wanna live in the USA just for visiting and shopping but what can i do? allhamd it was not in my destiny to have the visa in this "momento" moment!
ok so i wanna write you about the Willpower project its just something that i invented for my lossing weight goal yes i wanna be healthy so i can play with my daughter and be more active person and PROactive basically what i wanna do its vlog about what im gonna to do to lose all that weight and also to include in this proyect how you need to have willpower to achieve what you wanna in life because with the permition of allah swt nothing its impossible NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna include also the habit of praying the fayr i use to pray fayr all days , but after i just stop it all the time i was just tired to get up early, and if you wanna really take advantage of time you must get up early darling and ME NOT doing it
long time ago i talk to you how i wanna do a youtube channel ! because its just fun and i wanna express my self so i will let the link for my channel LA MUSU and a series that just kick out my butt to star my proyect The restart project its just a mini series in its amazing if you are looking to be inspire to loose weight or star a new carrer or hobby or just anything in life you must see this videos
Well untill next time
salam and remenber scarf your outfit
lunes, 7 de abril de 2014
Waiting like a patience
Salam aleikom to every one salam salam! how are you every one?
i wanna update you in all
ok so for the results of the IELTS i got 5.5 actually its more that i even expected because i didnt study at all with all the situation that its happening in my country i find it really hard to study.
Also finally i have the passport in my hands my new passport allhamdulillah now im just waiting for the passport of my husband because hes doing the residence of venezuela if i dont have the passport of him i can not start any tramit to go an study in canada insh allah
i am much worried because in 21 april we have the appointment for the american visa of my daughter and my husband
also beside that in my work they have block me all the webpage i only have access to a few including goverment pages so it will be hard for me write in my blog.
yesterday was kind of a big day for my husband he had the chance to take hes best friend with hes wife and daughter to the airport because they went to costarica to live there, immediately after he land it to costarica
connect to skype to chat with my husband and tell him how beautifull and clean and peacefull its costa rica how he went to the bakery and he didnt even have to do the line for buy a piece of bread OMG that something that broke my hearts how we get shock with other countries were everything its normal
insh allah every goes as allah swt want and help us to get out of venezuela to have a better life
lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014
Allhamdulillah... Thank god!!!!
Salam aleikom to every one salam salam, allhamdulillah i did present the IELTS this past saturday, i dont think i will get the band that i need it, but its just a big relief for me that i dont have to study anymore for that horrible test, god willing my passport will be giving to me this week ,so i can star the process for going to canada at the end. i choose to study english for a year and my husband also for less time. The important its to go there in a legal avenue.
viernes, 7 de marzo de 2014
One week

jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014
SOS Venezuela #12F #PrayForVenezuela

I just know that i have alot of faith that ALLAH swt will keep us safe insh
Also people at the street are so angry at each other i mean the people that is
with the goverment and the people that its NOT!
Yesterday i only saw the news by twitter , facebook, webpage, instragram,
youtube, and CNN in spanish that i have this feeling they will take from us the
CNN in spanish.
when i write this i just wanna cry i find hard time to fix all what im thiking
right know what i feel! how i Feel about this situation, Yesterday police
men killed students and also in youtube i saw this video were A POLICE MAN
STEAL A LADY! what about that they take avantage of the protest we are having
and steal from HER, i dont know what to say how to feel.
We can not stand anymore this
the food its too expensive
thoundes people die every day here like animals
OHHH allah! help us! forgive venezuela! forgive us!
its really hard how you see that police, military and murder are all the same,
i mean if a muder dont kill you may kill you the police or maybe the military
its all that againts us , who help us who save us?
martes, 4 de febrero de 2014
salam aleikom to every one salam salam!, finally after 4 month and a half i have the passport of my daughter , now i can apply for the turist visa, so we can visit family and insh allah when i go canada we can be able to touch american territory what i mean that if i buy the tiket for toronto or vancouver i can make layover in usa, i only need to wait for my passport that i renew it ! and also present the ielts, and legalize all the education paper... till then bye bye
miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014
Just the same history
Salam aleikom to every one salam salam! well just is basicaly the same history im studying for the Ielts , also i found this girl that she teach me one per week , so she can help with the grammar and listening , and reading and more important for the writting part of the ielts , i can tell that i have so much stress right know because this test is the line between me and my family going to canada or not! so you can image how stressfull that its!!!
viernes, 10 de enero de 2014
Making my life in order
Salam aleikom to every one salam salam! as usual im soooo nervous and worried, because im thinking all the options what its the best for me in study carrer subject also because i have so much in my head so many stuff i need to that its gonna drive me crazy, i need a notebook i mean a journal or maybe a lifebook i just found The most georgeos and lovely lifebook ever for 2014 it is a islamic one but i can not get it because its only in EURO soooo im kind sad for that anyways i wanna show you if you are muslim maybe you can be able to buy it!, also i just found allhamd a girl that will help me to study for the IELTS so im less stressfull about that allhamdulillah this next monday i will take the photo for my new passport because my another one i dont know where it went! yeah i lost it ! always writting make my day insh allah with hard work my english will improved insh allah
miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014
Big challenge, study for the IELTS
Salam aleikom salam salam! so i went to the british council to make the leveling test to see where i am in english, so i need it to get a 6 but i did get a 5 ! so now i can not be able to do the course special for the IELTS .
So now either i will go and search for other courses or study by myself...
I need to get a good score in the test so insh allah in order to apply for the university .
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