Salam aliekom to every one salam salam!!!, this week have been too much really now my plans of going canada have change because its better for me. if i get a diploma so my husband could have the chance to work while im there, also like the last years i did all the paper work for buying car so i was waiting so long that i even forget about it this week the car sales men call me to tell me that the car is hereeeee and i only need to pay! and i dont have the money so i need to do a new credit and find the money that a no problem insh allah , also in november i will travel to atlanta to buy some cloth, and visit my aunt insh allah in venezuela we have something that we call cadivi so if you wanna get dollars you need to do a file full of paper for them and the only give you 3500 $$$$$$$$ DOLARS FOR YEARS :( YEAHHHHH that is so sad but that reallity of venezuela.. we can not get free buying dollars like other countries! also im thiking to strengthen my english so i can present the eilts to study abroad, also i am doing another proyect in my life.

IM MAKING MY OWN COMPANY, yes my own bussines about scarf yeah i wanna handmake my own scarf and sell it online, that is my dream to make money so after i can open my own foundation to help abused children THAT IS MY BIGGEST BIGGEST BIGGEST BIGGEST DREAM!!!!!!! EVERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!... insh allah in my next post i will present you my proyect..
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