Buss caracas (Did lose an oportunity for waking up late)
Salam aleikom to every one salam salam!!! so every day of my life i take the buss caracas its a service from the goverment this is a public service of transport but very cheap also very comfortable, usually this buss pass in the front of my villege betwen 6.40 and 7am even when i wake up at 6 am sometimes i dont get to take this buss!!! today i was walking to the buss station and then he just pass truth my eyes so i run to take this bus but its was to fast i didnt get to take the buss, so i was very sad and mad in the early morning, after that. I star to think how many time we lose the buss i mean oportunity in life for not waking up early i mean for not waking up from bad situation that doesnt make us go on in our life! then i remenber when this happen i take really fast another buss that is not that comfortable and cheap like this buss caracas but in the next stop i get to take the buss caracas i dont know if you know what i mean !!! when this happen you just need to act quickly and take the another buss i mean oportunity dont let bad situation depress you noooooooooooo!!! take the another buss and get to your firts choice!!! or even get early to your work with the another option...
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